Monday, September 20, 2010

Blog 6: Magnetism and Electromagnetism


A magnetic field is the distribution of a magnetic force around a magnet.
  • north and south are magnetic characteristics in electric fields
  • similar poles repel (north and north or south and south)
  • opposite poles attract (north and south)
  • a test compass can be used to design a magnetic field
  • the general direction is from the north end to the south

  • to test this out, you can sprinkle iron fillings around the magnet, which will form in a circular shape like shown above

  • Earth acts like a giant, permanent magnet which produces its own magnetic field
A Bunch of Terms
Ferromagnetic metals - metals such as iron, nickel, cobalt, or mixtures of these three that attract magnets.
Dipoles - small rotating magnets that make up large magnets.

Magnetic Induction - the ability of ferromagnetic materials to be magnetized
Demagnetization - loss of magnetic strength in a ferromagnetic material
Reverse magnetization - reversal of the polarity of a magnet


Oersted's Principle states that charge moving through a conductor produces a circular magnetic field around the conductor

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